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¢ÍFor customers outside Japan: Please read this information about international shipping.

¢¨To prevent invalid credit card transactions, all overseas shipments will be handled through orders from WorldShipping only.All orders made from any other agency will be automatically cancelled. We thank you for your understanding.



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¡ÚEnded¡ÛThe Limited Early-Bird Purchase Bonus will be added!
Fans who are quick to purchase the Collector's Edition will get an autograph board Fuga: Melodies of Steel (partially replicated)! This campaign is good while supplies last. Those who have already pre-ordered to get this bonus.

¢¡Autographs will be from the following team members:
*Please note that the signatures of those who have "Replica" next to their names are the portion of the board that are replicas of the original.

¡¦Hiroshi Matsuyama: CEO¡¢Executive Producer
¡¦Tokitsu Yusuke (Replica): Character Design
¡¦Tetsuya Murakami: Producer
¡¦Yoann Gueritot: Director
¡¦Hiroto Niizato: Director
¡¦LieN ¡Ý¥ê¥¢¥ó¡Ý Tomoyo Mitani (Replica), Chikayo Fukuda
¡¦Itsuki Hoshi: 2D Art¡¢Manga Artist for 'How It All Began' and 'A Life Filled with Flowers'
¡¦Makoto Miyoshi (MIYOSHI): Logo¡¢UI Design¡¢Illustration for Comic Pages: The Adventures of Sucre
¡¦Higashi: Manga Artist for 'Fuga: Comedies of Steel'

¢£Fuga: Melodies of Steel Little Tail Bronx Archives
The Archives cover everything, from the characters, tanks, and stages, to development materials, world setting documentation, and artwork, giving those who possess it a deeper understanding of the world of Fuga: Melodies of Steel. Contains both English & Japanese!
Specs: A4, Full Color, 208 Pages

Get the Collector¡Çs Edition to Receive These Goodies!
(1) Large Stuffed Pawbun Pouch
A pawbun from the game brought to life! (But not edible.) Soft, fluffy, AND can store accessories!
Size: Approx. 20 x 20 cm

(2) Fuga Main Visual Acrylic Stand
Add some decor to your favorite spot with artwork by Nobuteru Yuki!
Size: A5

(3) Fuga: Comedies of Steel Special Manga
Contains the original 4-frame manga chapters for spin-off animated manga, Fuga: Comedies of Steel on CC2's YouTube channel. Cover art newly drawn!
Specs: A5, Full Color, 100P

(4) Fuga: Comedies of Steel Keychain 
Adorable acrylic keychain of Malt & Mei!

(5) Originally-Designed Boxed Packaging
The Special Cover edition comes in a specially-crafted box.

¢§Regarding Outlet Products
We sell products that have been damaged during transportation, such as a crushed, torn, or stained case, as outlet products at a special price. These products are for those who "don't care about the damage on the box" and "only interested in contents inside the box".

¢¨Generally, we do not accept returns of these products after purchase. Please note that we do not accept returns or refunds for reasons such as crushed boxes, cracked cases, or other external damage.
¢¨Please note that we do not rank defects based on the condition of crushed boxes or stains, etc.
¢¨Please be sure to understand that the products are damaged before purchase.
